Posted: 3 years ago

Government Determined Regulations for Indoor Cultural Events

The government has determined the duration of the events in the closed space.

This is stated in the recommendations published by the Ministry of Health, which includes cultural events.

In particular, according to the rules, in case of holding events (performance / concert) indoors, the organizer will have to follow the following recommendations:

  • Perform guest flow management in such a way as to avoid a large number of people concentrating in one place;
  • To avoid close contact by the entrances, mark a safe distance;
  • Only guests with face masks should be allowed;
  • Determine the full duration of the event in such a way that it does not exceed 3 hours, which includes the time of entry of the guest into the building and leaving the building;
  • The event should be held without an intermission;
  • Prohibit offering services (catering, buffet) that are not directly related to the course of the event.