Posted: 4 years ago

Georgia’s Role in Global Market

Tbilisi has hosted the Silk Road Forum. In his interview for BusinessPartner TV Program, Marko Danon, senior economist for the Center for Advanced Economic Studies of Serbia (CEVES), has talked about the importance of this two-day forum. 

On October 22nd and23rd, the Forum hosted more than 2,000 delegates from about 60 countries. 

The One Belt One Road project will assist Georgia in regaining its historical place along the Silk Road route. The One Belt One Road project, which represents the concept of a so-called new Silk Road, shapes prospects for strengthening and regaining Georgia’s historic role, Danon pointed out. 

“It is of crucial importance to discuss this project in a wider format, for Georgia and the whole world. Dozens of countries have been participating in this project. The One Belt One Road project connects many countries, and assists them in developing their economic potential. This is a huge project, including seaports, railroads and other infrastructure works. Besides infrastructure integration, this project enhances cultural ties between China and all countries along this route. In this respect, Georgia has invaluable historical experience in terms of  logistics and trade, as the oldest part of the Silk Road Consequently, this project will help Georgia further strengthen its position”, Marko Danon noted. 

The scales of the forum and the well-organized format opens up new perspectives for Georgia, he noted. 

“This Forum may make an essential contribution to the development of our country. The forum was organized at a professional level, and this forum will expand Georgia’s capabilities. Delegates from more than 60 countries have met at a round table for negotiations, including politicians, businesspeople and financiers to negotiate various aspects of the One Belt One Road project. This process will assist us in realizing what specific results this project will bring, and how we can make good use of the potential of all participant countries”, Marko Danon said.