Posted: 6 years ago

GeoLab Founder Names 3 Key Challenges for Startupers and Appraises Government’s Plan

Georgia follows the right direction in terms of development of startup ecosystem, Sandro Asatiani, one of the founders of GeoLab, noted.

Government of Georgia has been working on a strategy for innovations jointly with the USAID. As a result, tax preferences will be introduced for startupers, Minister of Economy Giorgi Kobulia said. Moreover, the Government plans to invite international experts in innovations and technologies and attract new investments in the mentioned field. 

This is a right strategy, the GeoLad founder said. 

“Previously, other factors were prioritized for the development. Today, priorities have changed and focus is made on innovations, human resources and their intellectual capabilities. Therefore, the Government follows the right way”, he noted and added that it is necessary to support startups in Georgia