Posted: 3 years ago

Electronic System to be Introduced to Control Gambling Business

The Revenue Service will create an electronic system to control the gambling business, for which a foreign company will be hired.

The Ministry of Finance is ready to write in the law that the right to operate an electronic system for the control of the gaming business should be handed to the selected person for 15 years. This article raised the most questions and the Deputy Minister of Finance at the committee hearing once again had to clarify that Georgia has no experience in creating and operating such a system and therefore it is necessary to hire a foreign company.

According to the bill, the definition of the beneficial owner is included, which means that the beneficiary owners of the company and their capital will be examined before the permit is issued.

There's news in the rules of taxation of the gambling business. Holders of an incentive lottery permit will pay a gaming business fee before the start of the lottery stage, which is set at 10% of the prize pool. If the games are arranged in a systematic electronic form, only 10% of the prize fund will be paid.