Posted: 2 months ago

Educational Application Wenroll - Users Favor Personal Development Master Classes

Users of the educational application Wenroll most frequently listen to master classes on personal development, such as self-development and stress management, according to Nanuka Chavchanidze, the founder of Wenroll, who spoke to "Business Partner" about this trend.

Chavchanidze noted that the number of active subscribers is increasing by 20% each month.

"Wenroll is a mobile application that offers high-quality master classes created in collaboration with leading specialists in various fields. The project has been available to users for nearly a year, and the number of users is growing every month. Currently, there are more than 70 master classes available, with new ones constantly being added. Users can explore a variety of topics, including personal development, professional development, art, history, and more.

We operate on a subscription model, allowing customers to access all our master classes for 29 GEL. They can choose monthly, six-month, or one-year subscriptions. We also have summer discounts available. At the moment, we have about 1,200 subscribers, with many more registered in the application," said Chavchanidze.

For information, the startup Wenroll is a winner of the 150,000 GEL co-financing grants program by the Innovation and Technology Agency of Georgia. The learning application offers users a unique educational experience through personalized master classes presented by leading specialists in the field, all in the local language.