Posted: 1 year ago

ChiriFruit Plants to Introduce Swiss Technologies in Making Sweets

In the near future, Swiss technologies will be introduced in the confectionery company "Chirifruit".

As Sofip Jikia, co-founder of Chirifruit, told "Business Partner", the company plans to invest about $50,000 in the project.

"After the introduction of this technology, we will start the production of Georgian chocolate in our own enterprise. Currently, our sweets are made with Georgian dried fruit and Swiss chocolate. It is worth noting here the fact that the combination of dried fruit and chocolate from Georgian fruits creates a different flavor, thus it can take its place in the world," says Jikia.

According to her, sweets made with a combination of dried fruit and chocolate will soon be exported. In this direction, active work has already started in the Georgian small enterprise "Chirifruit". In a few days, up to 10 types of Georgian products will be presented at the international exhibition in Berlin. A completely new candy was made especially for this day.

According to Sofio Jikia, tsweets made with a combination of dried fruit and chocolate is becoming more and more popular in international markets. Among them, in the largest chocolate-producing country, such as Switzerland.

მისივე ინფორმაციით, საერთაშორისო ბაზრების პარალელულად, ჩირისა და შოკოლადის კომბინაციით შექმნილი პროდუქციის ცნობადობა მზარდია საქართველოშიც. ბოლო 5-6 წელში, დაახლოებით, 20-ამდე გაიზარდა იმ მცირე საწარმოთა რიცხვი, რომლებიც ამ პროდუქტს ადგილობრივი და იმპორტირებული ნედლეულით ამზადებენ.