Posted: 1 year ago

Candle Studio Plans to Enter International Market

Candle Studio, a startup of handmade candles made of soy wax, plans to enter the markets of Turkey and Spain.

According to the founder of the startup, Nata Ogulashvili, at first, she made handmade candles as gifts for friends and relatives, however, the great response made her decide to turn it into a business.

The founder of Candle Studio also notes that there are many obstacles in the production process and the only way to make a profit is to export.

"The interest is very seasonal, mainly during the holidays, it is very less in the summer, 40% of the profit comes in the month and a half before the New Year. In addition, the price of the products is a hindrance since our candles are made with quite expensive products, therefore, we are forced to set a high price, which is unacceptable for Georgians, they do not understand why a candle made with plant-based wax can be more expensive than a candle made with paraffin wax, therefore, our main customers on the street fairs and markets are foreigners, that's why we think that the only way is to enter the foreign market.

Currently, we hold negotiations with Turkey and Spain in order to present our products in stores. In case of Spain, we will manufacture and export our production to the latter, which will brand and sell it."