Posted: 5 years ago

British Company Moore Stephens in Georgia

British company "Moore Stephens" appeared on the Georgian market as new auditing and consultation company.

The goal of the company is to serve the clients with auditing, consultation assistance with the highest quality. 

"We wish to share the experience, which this network has gained abroad, to Georgian companies and on the contrary, introduce our experiences in the field of investment opportunities to other companies, since "Moor Stephens" is presented in different countries with its networks." partner of "Moor Stephens", Misha Abaiadze stated.

Moore Stephens International Limited is a global accountancy and consultancy network with its headquarters in London.

Since Moore Stephens London was founded a century ago, Moore Stephens International Limited has grown to be one of the largest international accounting and consulting groups worldwide. Today the network comprises 609 offices in 112 countries throughout the world, incorporating 30,569 people and with fees of more than US$ 3.06 billion.