Posted: 4 years ago

Beard.GE to Sell Products on Amazon

Beard.GE Company that manufactures beard and hair care accessories plans to sell its products on Amazon’s platform.

At this stage, the company exports products to Germany, Azerbaijan, Iran, and Qatar, while the brand’s franchise was sold in Dubai and a Beard.Ge’s branch was opened at the Central Mall in Dubai.
As’s manager general Luka Tsarelashvili told the Commersant, the company plans to launch exports to the USA too.
“At this stage, we make a focus on production and exports. We plan to open comparatively bigger stores in Tbilisi and regions and export our products to the USA and trade on the Amazon platform too.
In general, the key nature and a key objective of our company is to amaze our customers with our products and services. We believe a similar approach will inspire other companies too to improve services and the current situation in the country will go better in this regard. Beard.Ge will be a good sample of this”, Luka Tsarelashvili noted.
Despite the pandemic, the company continues active operations to provide a more comfortable environment for customers and provide free delivery services all over Georgia.
“April brought heavy times, after online trade was banned and everything was paused, in practice. We have overcome this crisis thanks to our devoted customers. Despite the overwhelming crisis, online orders essentially rose. Our super clients used to make orders in advance by cards and they showed readiness to receive ordered products restoration of services.
We are deeply grateful to all these supporters, who have helped us overcome this crisis. Similar attitude and support stimulate us to stay focused on development”, the company manager general noted. produces four categories of products: beard care and hair care products, perfume, and beard shaving/correction services. was launched 4 years ago and the company trades in both foreign brand products and domestically manufactured hair care products. At this stage, products are sold at Galleria Tbilisi, City Mall Saburtalo, East Point, Tbilisi Mall. Noteworthy, that the ratio of online sales is 15%.