Posted: 10 months ago

ADB President Endorses Georgia as a Regional Hub

The President of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), Masatsugu Asakawa, affirmed the bank's support for Georgia's development as a regional hub during a press conference in response to inquiries from "Business Partner." He emphasized Georgia's strategic significance for regional cooperation.

"Since initiating our partnership in 2007, the ADB has extended $3.9 billion in various forms of financing to Georgia, including loans, technical assistance, and grants," Asakawa stated.

He outlined that the ADB's partnership strategy with Georgia focuses on three key priorities: economic development, enhancement of social policies and human capital, and the strengthening of public governance.

Asakawa highlighted, "Given Georgia's pivotal geographical position at the crossroads of East and West, it plays a critical role in regional cooperation. The ADB is committed to supporting the development of Georgia as a regional hub, particularly in financial services, climate action, environmental sustainability, and energy sectors."