Posted: 5 years ago

HUAWEI Releases Global Industry Vision Report 

HUAWEI has been leading the market for years and is an advanced company in the field of smart device manufacturing. Accordingly, it is not surprising that its representatives, based on the facts, have presented 10 megatrends that they believe will be made a reality in their Global Industry Vision (GIV) Report, which specifically outlines the company's foresight on technology development prospects and industry vision for 2025.

Living with Bots: Advances in material science, perceptual AI, and network technologies are allowing the use of robots in a variety of home and personal scenarios. HUAWEI in its GIV, predicts a 14% global penetration rate of home robots.

Super Sight: The convergence of 5G, VR/AR, machine learning and other developing technologies lets us make new and unique discoveries in people, business and culture. The HUAWEI GIV predicts that the percentage of companies that use AR/VR will increase to 10%.

Zero Search: The time spent searching for the information we need will be cut significantly in future, as it will find us via smart devices able to predict our needs in advance. The GIV forecasts that 90% of smart device owners will use electronic personal assistants based on artificial intelligence.

Tailored Streets: Intelligent transport systems will connect people, vehicles and infrastructure. HUAWEI’s GIV predicts that 15% of vehicles will be connected to such technologies.

Working with Bots: Many industries will be transformed. Smart automation will take on more important tasks than it can at this point. The GIV claims there will be 103 robots in industry for every 10,000 employees.

Augmented Creativity: Cloud artificial intelligence will reduce the cost and barrier for scientific experimentation, innovations and art. The HUAWEI GIV predicts that 97% of large companies will be using artificial intelligence by 2025.

Frictionless Communication: Artificial intelligence and data analysis will create communication between companies and users and break down language barriers; moreover, understanding and trust will be the basis for business relationships between companies. GIV predicts that 86% of enterprises will be fully using accumulated data.

Symbiotic Economy: Companies worldwide are using digital technologies and smart applications, which means more collaboration, resource allocation, global ecosystems and high productivity. The HUAWEI GIV predicts that 85% of companies across the globe will be using Cloud technologies and 85% of business applications will be created based on the Cloud.

Rapid Rollout of 5G: 5G is evolving at a very fast pace, faster than any other wireless technology. Consequently, the potential for individuals, businesses and societies is infinite and comprehensive. The GIV predicts that 58% of the world's population will be able to access 5G by 2025.

Global Digital Governance: The development of digital technologies needs to be balanced with shared data standards and principles for data usage. The GIV predicts that the annual volume of global data will reach 180 ZB (1 ZB = 1 trillion GB).

According to Kevin Zhang, chief marketing manager of HUAWEI's ICT infrastructure - “Humanity will never stop technological development. We need to visualize the perspectives, see what we might not be able to see right now - we have to shift from innovations to inventions. HUAWEI has for many years been committed to offering every person and organization a technologically advanced future and completely new approaches to technological development. ”

HUAWEI products and services are available in more than 170 countries and are used by a third of the world's population. There are 16 research and development centers operating worldwide in the USA, Germany, Sweden, Russia, India and China. HUAWEI Consumer BG is one of HUAWEI's three business units, mainly focusing on Smartphones, personal computers, tablets and cloud services. HUAWEI Global Network is based on 20 years’ experience in the telecommunications business and serves to provide innovative technologies to customers around the world.