Posted: 1 year ago

Surami will Have New Recreation Complex 'Park Hotel'

"Park Hotel" hotel will be built in Surami (Chumateleti). The Khashuri City Council has already approved the detailed plan for the development of the land owned by the hotel chain investor for construction.

As stated in the legislative bulletin, the specified area of ​​the territory where "Park Hotel" LLC is planning to build a multi-purpose recreation complex is 30,511.00 m2.

As Sergo Laliashvili, head of the economic development service of Khashuri Municipality said, the investor plans to invest 6 million GEL at the initial stage, in total about 20 million GEL will be invested in the complex.

According to him, the investor plans to present the project to the Khashuri municipality in a few days, after which the construction permit issuance procedure will begin.

According to Laliashvili, the construction of a hotel with at least 20 seats is planned, however, the complex will combine both 2 large hotels and small cottages, a swimming pool, recreation and entertainment space and so on.

"Emphasis is placed on preserving perennial plants and green space as much as possible. The investor plans to start construction soon after receiving the permit. I think the construction process will start this year and the construction of the first hotel will be completed next year," Laliashvili said.

Sergo Laliashvili, head of the economic development service of the Khashuri municipality's town hall, says that after the general plan for the development of Surami was approved, the resort has become quite attractive to investors.