Posted: 4 years ago

All Bookings Canceled at Heshkili Huts in Svaneti

All bookings in "Heshkili Huts" have been canceled - hotel founder David Pilpani said in a conversation with "Business Partner". According to him, from today's review it can be said that the summer season in Svaneti has failed, therefore, his business is in danger.

"Those who have booked, we save them a voucher and they will be able to rest during the winter or next summer season. From July 11 to August 10, what we worked on was it. We were not in a good condition because of the coronavirus and now I do not know what will happen. We will not go bankrupt, but everything will stop, the plans we had will be corrected," said Pilpani.

According to him, at this stage there are about 20 vacationers in "Heshkili Huts".

"Heshkili Huts" are located 6 kilometers from Mestia and 1900 meters above sea level. In a place abandoned by people, in the center of Ushba Peak and Laila Range, a family of Pilpani set up a family hotel 5 years ago.

As it is known, 16 cases of infection were confirmed from 30 samples taken at COVID-19 in the village of Lenjeri and the small town of Mestia in the last two days. Based on the results of the epidemiological study, the decision of the Interagency Council will impose additional restrictions on the municipality of Mestia.

Movement is restricted both in the direction of Mestia Municipality and from Mestia Municipality. The entrance and exit will be controlled by the police.