Posted: 1 year ago

3D Lighting at Martvili Canyon and Okatse Waterfall Spurs Local Business Development

The recent introduction of 3D lighting at the Martvili Canyon and Okatse Waterfall has reportedly drawn approximately 10,000 nocturnal visitors since June 12. This unique attraction, combining natural beauty and technological innovation, presents a fresh avenue for the growth of local businesses.

Niko Tevdorashvili, head of the Marketing and Public Relations Department at the Protected Areas Agency, disclosed this data in an interview with "Business Partner". He noted that Georgia is the pioneer among Eastern European countries to integrate eco-friendly, European-standard night lighting within its protected territories.

The installation of these lights has effectively extended visiting hours for these spectacular sites until midnight, as opposed to the earlier closing time of 7 PM. According to Tevdorashvili, this extension heralds a favorable shift for local businesses.

"With this development, local businesses, which previously operated primarily during daylight hours, now have the potential to expand their services into the night. It opens up opportunities for the development of hospitality services and other related activities," Tevdorashvili said.

As for the lighting installation itself, a blend of local and international specialists lent their expertise to design the system. At the Martvili Canyon, a striking 100-meter water curtain bathed in 3D projection lighting was created, while a laser show embellishes the Okatse Waterfall at a height of 200 meters. These state-of-the-art attractions are designed to operate throughout the year, further bolstering the region's tourism appeal.