Posted: 10 months ago

Georgian Startup "Santi" Partners with TBC to Transform Urban Landscapes into Green Havens

With the backing of TBC Startuper, the burgeoning landscaping firm "Santi" aims to revolutionize Georgia's urban spaces by introducing meticulously designed green corners. Despite being operational for less than a year, the startup has quickly gained traction by successfully completing an array of projects that have caught the public eye.

Gigi Tabaghua, Santi's founder, traces the company's inception back to his time in Copenhagen as an exchange student. "The inspiration for Santi germinated in Copenhagen, a city renowned for its well-curated and thoughtful green spaces. As someone with a professional interest in landscaping, the Danish model resonated with me deeply, prompting me to consider how I could replicate such sustainable urban spaces in Georgia," he reflects.

Tabaghua, who already has a plethora of startup experiences under his belt, wasted no time in transforming his vision into a business reality. "Initially, my co-founders and I personally approached homeowners in Rustavi with our landscaping proposal. Admittedly, it was a hard sell due to a general lack of awareness about the value of well-designed green spaces. However, as we began to accrue satisfied clients, word-of-mouth referrals gave us the momentum we needed," says Tabaghua.

To formalize and scale their operations, Santi partnered with TBC Startuper, a business incubator trusted by the founders. "Their financial and logistical backing was pivotal. They provided us with state-of-the-art equipment and facilitated the development of our official website, which is nearly complete. We're also in the process of enhancing our online presence through social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram," Tabaghua informs.

Santi currently offers a comprehensive suite of landscaping services, including planning, development, maintenance, and cleaning for individual homeowners, construction firms, and other institutional clients. "While we started in Rustavi, our accrued expertise and resources now position us to expand our offerings to other Georgian cities," notes Tabaghua.