Posted: 3 years ago

Zurab Noghaideli: ElGreen Backs Georgia to Develop Any Types of Power Generation

Frequently, we hear that ElGreen imports electricity to Georgia, and therefore, this company has no interest in developing domestic power generation facilities in fear of losing electricity imports opportunities and incomes.

This is an absolutely wrong consideration”, Zurab Noghaideli, currently a member of ElGreen energy company’s supervisory board noted. Electricity import to Georgia is not ElGreen’s only business, he said. “I reiterate that the import of Azerbaijani electricity to the third countries, including to Turkey and EU countries is a core business for ElGreen.

Therefore, ElGreen is vitally interested in developing Georgia’s energy system, because even Azerbaijani electricity is transited through Georgia. It is clear that the energy company carrying out trans-frontier trade is interested in developed and stable energy systems of those countries, with which it trades”, Noghaideli noted. Georgia’s objective is to balance its growing domestic demand with its own generation facilities, Noghaideli added.

“Georgia needs to accelerate economic development paces. We consider Georgia as an international hub, including an energy and energy transit hub. We should employ our advantages to intensify electric exchange operations with all neighboring countries. ElGreen as a commercial company is directly interested in developing any types of power generation in Georgia, including, the infrastructure of regulatory hydropower plants, first of all”, Zurab Noghaideli said.