Posted: 1 year ago

Kelly Degnan: Georgian People, Especially Students and Young People, Spoke Loudly and Clearly, and Finally the Ruling Party Listened to them."

Kelly Degnan, the US ambassador to Georgia, has emphasized the importance of each member of parliament officially rejecting the draft law on foreign influence passed in the first reading, in response to the public protests against the law.

Degnan stated that the Georgian people, especially students and young people, have spoken loudly and clearly, and that it is now up to the government to fulfill its promise to achieve EU candidate status by focusing its energy and attention towards this goal.

The ambassador stressed that Georgia does not need laws inspired by the Kremlin, as there is already enough protection and transparency of financial aid that serves the best interests of the Georgian people. She highlighted the good work being done across the country with the help of international aid, and expressed hope that the government will be held accountable for its promise to grant candidate status.

Following public protests and international criticism, on March 9, the parliamentary majority of "Georgian Dream" decided to withdraw the draft law "On the transparency of foreign influence" already passed in the first reading.