Posted: 4 years ago

Georgian International Arbitration Center (GIAC) held Meeting to Promote Professional Skills Development in Arbitration Sector

The event was organized by the International Arbitration Center (GIAC), where an important part of the arbitration proceedings - procedural conference, procedural issues resolution and their results were discussed.

Practitioners lawyers, potential arbitrators, attorneys and representatives of the parties participated in the workshop, which was shared with the international arbitration center of Georgia, representatives of leading law firms and the Ministry of Justice. The event was held with the support of the European Union and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

The main goal of the meeting was to promote professional skills development in the field of arbitration. International Arbitration Center's report on "Arbitration Review Issues" and discussed its importance was also presented at the event.

"Amendments to the Law on Arbitration and Open Government Support have helped to increase confidence in this field in business subjects. However, it is a great way to get to the desired result and it is expected so, because the development of arbitration institute is a long-term process. We have an ambition to be an arbitrage hub in the countries of the region, but for this, we need a high qualification and competence in this field. Our working meeting serves to increase professional skills and competence in potential arbitrators. Also submittig a draft resolution that will create additional guarantees for the proper conduct of the arbitration process, "said Beka Injia, head of the International Arbitration Center of Georgia. According to him, the center manages similar events in a permanent manner.

The International Arbitration Center at the Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is based on the models of leading international arbitration institutions and its main goal is to establish neutral, effective and flexible alternative mechanisms for settlement of disputes. The arbitration rules of the Arbitration Center are developed by the Arbitration Experts and the International Commission of Practitioners and incorporates the current trends in the arbitration and the best practices that fully satisfy the requirements of the parties. The arbitration rules of the Arbitration Center allow for any language and country to be selected for review of disputes.