Posted: 4 years ago

Webinar Series on Energy for Civil Society organisations from Eastern Partner Countries

The EU-funded project ‘Eastern Partnership civil society facility – regional actions’ is launching a series of country-focused webinars on the energy sector and environmental topics for civil society organizations from Eastern partner countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine. Six webinars will run from 25 November to 18 December (starting at 09:00 AM Brussels time) and will be held in English with Russian translations.

The webinars have been organized as part of an online course on sectoral accountability in the energy sector, previously launched by the ‘Eastern Partnership civil society facility’. The webinars will provide a deep-dive into different topics relevant to Eastern partner countries. Each webinar will be adapted to the energy market and framework of the respective country and will focus on country-specific issues.

The webinars will cover important topics such as the gas sector, energy poverty and corruption in the energy sector, interconnections in the energy sector, renewables and decarbonisation. You can see the full programme to find the dates and topics for the respective countries.

All candidates interested in attending any of the webinars can register by filling in the registration form.

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Full programme
