Posted: 4 years ago

Pedestrian Bridge to be Built from Mziuri to the Zoo

According to Kakha Kaladze, the mayor of the capital, a pedestrian bridge will be built from Mziuri to the zoo.

As he stated at the meeting of the Tbilisi government, also, it is planned to reconstruct the former cable car building at the bottom of Mziuri Park and implement a similar project as the Media Library.

"Rehabilitation of Mziuri Park has been completed. We have decided that the municipality will implement two significant projects - the reconstruction of the former cable car in the lower part of the park, which is in a problematic condition.

As you know, Mziuri has a social enterprise, Mziuri Cafe Ana Goguadze, and her team, which do everything to create a friendly environment. We have active communication with Ana and her team; we have an exciting project - the so-called gallery Media Library. We will, of course, implement this project and then transfer the completed project to the social enterprise of Ana Goguadze and her team," Kaladze said.