The Georgian Company Wifisher Switches to Metaverse
The Georgian company WiFisher already switched to Metaverse.
According to Nodar Ivanidze, the company's founder, the world's largest advertising companies expressed interest in WiFisher's services.
"In order to cooperate in Metaverse, companies from Great Britain and Spain have already contacted us. Their interest is to bring various traditional companies into the virtual world with the help of WiFisher's business model. In short, WiFisher is the trend of the future, it goes beyond the physical world and conquers new heights in the virtual world. Accordingly, we also make investments in this direction.", noted Nodar Ivanidze.
As for the local market, WiFisher's innovative advertising line, i.e. free WiFi, can be used throughout Georgia, in airports, malls, restaurants, cafes, and various facilities. The company offers the same services to Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and Latvia.