Posted: 2 years ago

Teamania to Expand Online Sales Platform

Teamania, the network of tea and coffee products and related accessories, plans to expand the online sales channels.

To this end, the company has already started arranging technology, marketing, and operational systems. Expanding the online platform for subscribing to tea products and related accessories is the nearest phase of business development.

This process implies the development of a distant platform for sales and supply, where, products, orders, delivery services will be digitalized.

“One thing is when you arrange online supply channel for products and another thing is when you have products and services for online sales and this process requires different organizational structure and human resources.

The company develops the client's database and improves the service of offers, delivery services and simultaneously, cares for growing tea consumption culture”, the company representatives noted. At this stage, Teamania holds sales facilities at 8 big shopping malls. Currently, Teamania represents Synergy company’s portfolio company. Pounded in 2006, like the tea, coffee, and related accessories network, Teamania trades in over 100 premium-quality tea products from all over the world.

Besides foreign products the company also popularizes Georgian products and enables startup companies to introduce their products into Teamania network.