Posted: 3 years ago

New Directors of the AGL Board have been appointed

Tron Engebrethsen and Asbjørn Grundt have been appointed a new Directors of the AGL Board.

Mr Asbjørn Grundt has an enormous knowledge of the international Hydropower sector. He has previously been EVP Market Operations and IT and EVP International Hydropower in Statkraft. He has also worked six years in Norsk Hydro’s electricity market operations. Grundt has been chairman of the Board of Directors in SN Power.  

Today, Grundt works as SVP in Statkraft heading the unit “Ownership” in Business Area Production following up Statkraft’s ownership interests in the hydropower sector. He is non-exec board member in Agder Energi, Eviny and Skagerak Energi.

Mr Engebrethsen was Executive Vice President at SN Power, Regional Director of Southern Norway, director of Power Generation,  and Senior Vice President International at Statkraft.  

Mr Engebrethsen has the best international experience in the energy sector. He worked in the Philippines, India, Brazil, Peru, Chile, Turkey and Albania. He also had the responsibility for the construction of Moglice HPP.  He was a Board member and Chairman of the Board of Finnmark Energi AS,  Board member of Trondheim Energi AS, he served in the Boards of KVO (Kraftverne I Orkla), Oslo Energi and several others. Tron is a Board member of TEJV in Chile.