Posted: 1 year ago

National Library of Georgia moved to Metaverse on November 24

Web3 Startups Night was organized by ARRIVAL, a Metavers event agency, on November 24 at the National Library of Georgia. The library hosted visitors in the Spatial metaverse along with the physical location.

The event called Web3 Startups Night is the second event organized by the ARRIVAL team in a hybrid model. The hybrid model of the Web3 conference involves the synthesis of virtual and real worlds, which allows people from anywhere in the world to attend the same event that is held at a physical location.

The guests had the opportunity to listen to successful startups working in the Web3 space, such as Zura Sharashenidze, CEO of Two Point Zero, Givi Gamkrelidze, founder and director of the Pharaoh company, Luka Bakhsoliani, managing partner of NXT Lab.

They discussed the opportunities that exist in this industry while sharing their experiences and challenges that come with starting a business in Web3.

After the speeches of the speakers, the Audio Reactive Immersive show was held in front of the guests, which offered visitors an amazing audio-visual experience.

The Web3 Startups Night event is organized by Arrival – a metaverse event agency that helps companies and organizations host different types of events in the metaverse and create engaging, interactive and fun experiences for attendees.