Posted: 2 years ago

Kakhuri Traditional Churchkhela Plans to Produce Tklapi

The company "Kakhuri Traditional Churchkhela" plans to expand the business. According to the company's founder, Mariam Kevkhishvili, the company moved production from Kakheti to Tbilisi (Isani) this year.

In the future, the production of Tklapi and the establishment of branded stores are planned. However, the latter is the company's long-term plan.

As Mariam Kevkhishvili further mentioned, the company started producing churchkhela containing almonds last year. 

"Currently, we cannot produce large quantities of Nushi Churkkhela. This is a symbolic amount, considering the fact that its sale will not be successful since it is quite expensive."

"Kakhuri Traditional Churchkhela"'s production can be purchased in Tbilisi in "8000 Vintage", "Fermart", "Telavura" and online platform "Extra", and on its official Facebook page.

The company entered the market in 2017.