ArtUp – Street Gallery's Revived Pieces of Work
From today, ArtUp Street Gallery offers its customers revived pieces of work. This process is possible by the WebAr (Web-based augmented reality) application.
Digital Street Art Gallery is the first in Georgia to offer art development in this direction.
Artists only create animation/video and send it to ArtUp - Street Gallery, then the rest is done by the program.
If one wants to transform their animation or video into AR, should register on the website. Afterward, ArtUp Street Gallery will select the completed applications. The video is then uploaded to the database, a unique code is assigned and the desired shot is printed, framed, and is given the final look.
One can scan the QR code on the mobile phone through the camera, go to the link and when the camera is activated, the WebAR program automatically detects which work it sees. It all happens without downloading the app, only the internet is needed for it.
The works are available on the ArtUp - Street Gallery's platform, in an online store.
ArtUp – Street Gallery was founded in Batumi in 2016.