Posted: 4 years ago

Crisis Management Mechanisms at Major Companies

“Our IT group has tirelessly worked throughout the weeks to shape valuable digital operational environment for our staff. 

Our call center moved to the home-working regime, while the world’s many leading companies failed to do the same as efficiently as TBC has done”, TBC Bank’s risks management director Nino Masurashvili told Business Partner. The program guest has discussed the risks management mechanisms and opportunities at TBC Bank.

“From the very beginning, TBC Bank paid due consideration to the global developments. Initially, nobody believed that this virus would bring disastrous outcomes. Nonetheless, we prepared a counter-crisis plan and took appropriate decisions. First, we had to care for our staff. We supplied disinfectants, facemasks to branches and call centers. In about a month, 2,500 employees moved to the home-working regime.

We started establishing the Agile system 2 years ago. Therefore, our IT department met the current challenges ready and immediately ensured the distance working platform. We had already preserved required equipment, we timely bought laptops and all other accessories. Digitalization is our strategy and therefore, we were ready for many things and scenarios. The services that turned out very important today are being used by TBC staff and clients for many years. Furthermore, we have added many novelties and we made sure that our potential is boundless. 

The flow of visitors to branches has decreased 4 times; however, the workload of the call center and the internet banking has increased four times. Our objective is to involve as many clients into the digital services as possible, because, previously, the majority of them did not use digital services. Therefore, we offer them to enjoy our comfortable and convenient the digital banking platform.

TBC keeps active communication with major and medium business sectors, micro clients. Based on the grace period, we track their needs and analyze the ongoing developments”, Nino Masurashvili noted.